5 Compelling Reasons to Choose Rehab in the New Year

The New Year is all about saying goodbye to the old and welcoming in the new. This is a time of year when people traditionally feel more enthusiastic about change, and this is expressed in the form of resolutions. Going to rehab can be the most life-changing decision you ever make, and here are 5 compelling reasons for why you should consider it in the New Year:

1. You Have Already Lost Enough Time to Addiction

Some days are better than others when you are caught up in drug addiction, but it is not going to be possible to create sustainable positive change in your life so long as you are controlled by intoxicants. Every day you continue to devote to this behaviour is a day lost, and life is too short to be wasting time like this.

2. It Can Mean Your Last Ruined Christmas

Maybe you tried hard to control your drinking or drug use over the holiday season, but the likelihood is you ended up doing things you regretted due to intoxicated. Maybe you didn’t directly upset a love one, but the fact that you were preoccupied with your drug will have been sensed. By getting sober now, you won’t have to worry about ruining another Christmas.

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How Writing Therapy Can Help You Stay Free of Drug Addiction

Writing therapy can be most effective when it is done under the direction of a therapist, but it is a good practice for anyone recovering from substance abuse. You don’t need to worry about grammar or spelling with engaging in this activity, and it is not about judging your abilities as a writer. Here are just some of the ways writing therapy can help you stay free of drug addiction.

Writing is an Opportunity to Vent

If you are getting stressed about a situation, writing can be a great way to let of some steam. You may be almost shaking with anger when you first grab your pen, but you are likely to feel much better by the time you finish writing. Just put down all your thoughts about the situation on paper without any attempts to edit, and it can be like releasing the valve on a pressure cooker.

Writing Can Lead to Insights

Writing things done can easily lead to insights because it means you get to see things in a new way. If you have a problem, just start putting some of your thoughts down on paper – for example, if you have to make an important choice, you can make a list of pros and cons of each direction you can take. Keeping a daily diary can also mean you stumble upon insights into your life that you would otherwise have missed.

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5 Reasons Yoga Can Make Sober Living Easier

If you have never tried yoga previously, you might be put off by the idea that it is just too exotic or difficult. This can actually be a wonderfully beneficial practice for people in recovery, and a beginner’s yoga class isn’t going to be too strenuous. Here are 5 reasons for why yoga could make living sober easier:

1. It is an Effective Tool for Managing Stress

Up until becoming sober, your main tool for managing stress would have been alcohol or drugs. If you don’t find an effective replacement for this coping strategy, you are going to be at high risk of relapse. Yoga has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol (Source: NCBI), so it is a proven technique for stress reduction.

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Mindfulness is an Effective Tool for Combating Anxiety

The words ‘try not to worry’ are probably the least helpful thing people can say to those of us who have anxiety issues. The reality is our minds just automatically latch on to things to obsess about, and it can feel like there is no real choice involved. This is why mindfulness is such a wonderful practice – it is not about trying to stop these thoughts but learning how to manage them.

What is Mindfulness?

Most magazine and web articles about mindfulness will come with a picture of somebody sitting in the lotus position with a serene smile on their face – they will usually be on beautiful tropical beach somewhere. This depiction of the practice can lead to all types of misunderstandings about what it actually involves.

Mindfulness is a perfectly natural way to be – it is the way you experience the world as a young child. It just means that you are fully focused on the present moment without judgement. If of thoughts of the past and future start to arise, you just acknowledge this and bring your attention back to the present moment.

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Benefits of Dentures

The Benefits of Getting Dentures

When you have some or a lot of missing teeth, most dentists will advise you that dentures are usually the answer as they cost much less – at least initially, than procedures such as dental implants. Most people get them so they can chew their food,  or for aesthetic reasons as a dark gap in the line of teeth looks unsightly. However, there are other benefits that most people don’t even think about.

  • They help to maintain the shape of your lower face. Without them your cheeks sink in and give a gaunt look to your face.
  • They reduce pressure on your remaining teeth – and the crowns or fillings that may be on those teeth.
  • Having dentures reduces the likelihood of having problems with your jaw.
  • They also prevent the teeth that are left from moving and changing your bite, which can cause pain as it puts pressure on places that are not meant to withstand it.
  • When there is a gap between teeth, those that are next to the gap tend to move into it to try and fill it up. This makes them crooked and more liable to decay, since they are then more difficult to keep clean.
  • You can speak more clearly when you have a mouthful of teeth.
  • Last but not least, you can chew food better when you have all the teeth in place. This can help your digestion and so, your health.

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How IPL Laser Hair Removal can Improve Your Life

These days’ hair-free bodies get the tick of approval from society in general. While women have shaved their underarm and bikini lines for years, they now tend to want to have other areas hair free as well, including their arms and legs. Men are joining the queue to have hair removal treatment too. Many choose IPL hair removal treatment for convenience.

When a person has a lot of hair over their body they will usually feel embarrassed. Hair is not acceptable these days and everyone wants to feel accepted. Having hair removal treatment makes you feel more accepted and in fact it will have that affect, especially if you spend a lot of time on the beach or at the pool.

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