How Does Traveling to Bali for Rehab Work? A Step-by-Step Guide for Dutch Citizens

How Does Traveling to Bali for Rehab Work? A Step-by-Step Guide for Dutch Citizens

It can be quite intimidating to contemplate travelling overseas to seek recovery, especially if you do not know what to expect.

Increasingly, however, more Dutch citizens take a trip to Bali hoping to beat addiction and take advantage of the serene natural surroundings, holistic approaches to recovery, and a high-standard drug rehab facility like Seasons Bali.

For many clients coming from Holland, being abroad is an entirely new start. There’s nothing familiar that could prompt them back to their addictive behaviour. But how does a trip to rehab in Bali really work?

Here is a step-by-step journey that will take you through the treatment process as well as life after rehab.

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Get ready for a mango summer!

Best Ever Black Bean Burgers with Mango Guacamole
Serves 4 in 20 minutes

Black Bean Burger

1 teaspoon chia seeds
1 can of black beans, rinsed and drained
Handful of coriander
1 onion, diced
1 carrot, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 teaspoon himalayan sea salt
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/3 cup linseed meal
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil.

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Sesame Seeds: To Hull or Not To Hull That is the Question!

Aren’t seeds excellent? So tiny but so full of goodness! The humble sesame seed is packed full of protein. Protein makes up approx 20% per cent of the root, with a good serving of magnesium, manganese, copper, tryptophan, calcium, iron & zinc thrown in. They are also a good source of healthy fats.

You may be used to seeing the more commonly known white seed, but the black sesame seeds are richer in specific nutrients, such as phytosterols which help to block cholesterol production.

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Cleaning Tips That Will Keep Your Carpets Pest-Free

Cleaning Tips That Will Keep Your Carpets Pest-Free

One of the many reasons you may wish to search for “professional carpet cleaners near me“, is your concern that your carpets are playing host to several unwanted pests and other microscopic nasties. These included a broad array of undesirables that can be found in carpets such as:

  • Moths
  • Moth Eggs
  • Carpet Beetles
  • Ants
  • Dust Mites
  • Fleas
  • Dust
  • Grit
  • Pet Dander
  • Bacteria
  • Pollen
  • Fungi
  • Mould
  • Mildew
  • Allergens

Before you panic and go rip up all your carpets to replace them with vinyl, we must state that it is highly unlikely that any of your carpets have all of these present, and they may well be relatively pest free. That will be the case if you regularly clean your carpets, and more so if you have called in a professional carpet cleaning company occasionally.

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How Speech Pathologists Plan Speech Therapy Lessons

How Speech Pathologists Plan Speech Therapy Lessons

If you were to sit in on a speech therapy lesson conducted by a speech pathologist, you might be given the impression that what they do is ‘off the cuff’, their ability to conduct that lesson comes naturally, and what they do is seemingly effortless. That is not to suggest that speech pathologists have an easy job, but rather that their knowledge, experience, and dedication to what they do can make each speech therapy lessons seem that way.

The key point we must make here is that any lesson, whether it be for children with speech and language difficulties, a maths class in high school, or a university lecture on quantum physics theory, can only be effective if it has been properly planned in advance. To an outsider, it may seem that any educator when giving a lesson, regardless of the subject, can make what they do appear simple, merely as a result of them having an outstanding understanding of their subject.

However, what invariably happens within that lesson is the result of careful and thoughtful planning, and that is exactly what happens each time a speech pathologist conducts a lesson for the children they are responsible for. If you have ever wondered how such lessons are created, here are some guidelines as to how a speech pathologist at a place like plans their speech therapy lessons.

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The Undisputable Links Between Financial Health And Mental Health

The Undisputable Links Between Financial Health And Mental Health

Two professionals that you would not immediately associate with each other are financial advisors and psychologists, however, strange as it may seem they can both play a part in resolving several issues for their clients and patients. What we are talking about are the links that exist between a person’s financial health and their mental health.

There is undeniable evidence, backed up with clinical studies, which show a correlation between a person’s finances and their mental health. It has been shown that a person’s financial well-being influences their mental health, and conversely, a person mental health, or lack thereof, can have consequences for their financial situation. Let us look at some of the specific ways these manifest themselves.

How Mental Health Impacts Financial Health

A person in any of the following situations will benefit in the first instance from seeking medical help from a psychologist, psychiatrist or even Telehealth psychology therapy. At the same time, it would do them no harm to speak to financial advisors who might not be in a position adoption to fix their mental health, but they may be able to reverse some of the financial damage that has been caused.

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7 Tips For Ensuring You Have A Safe And Trouble-Free Holiday In Bali

7 Tips You Should Follow If You Are Considering Dental Tourism

Whilst many dentists frown upon the concept of dental tourism, nonetheless, there are thousands of people who use it. For them, dental tourism has two main appeals. The first is the opportunity to combine having dental treatment with a holiday, often in an idyllic location. The second and most likely the main reason that you’ve probably heard on a Bali blog, is that they can have dental treatment at a fraction of the cost of having it done by their usual dentist.

The cost difference often means that someone can pay for flights, accommodation and dental treatment and the total cost still comes to less than the dental treatment would be at home. Now, the caveat exists that there can be doubts and questions as to the qualifications, experience, and abilities of dentists overseas, which is why there are some tips you should follow before opting to become a dental tourist.

Research Potential Locations And Dental Practices Thoroughly: It is essential that, before you embark on having dental treatment overseas, you carry out due diligence. This includes assessing the location you are travelling to. More important is that you research potential dentists you might use for their experience, their qualifications, and reviews from their previous patients.

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How To Decide Whether To Extract Or To Save Your Tooth

How To Decide Whether To Extract Or To Save Your Tooth

Although a dentist might regard removing a tooth as something that is part of their profession, they are also aware that the removal of a tooth can cause several issues for an individual patient. This can range from the patient feeling scared about the actual procedure, to being traumatised at the thought of having a gap in their teeth and how that impacts their appearance.

Now, you might think that last point is a bit extreme but believe us when we say that for many patients who have had teeth pulled, the next professional they see after their dentist is a therapist to try to get them over the psychological and emotional ordeal of having the perfect smile they had previously.

Making the decision to have a tooth removed is one that you will make with your dentist. They will give an explanation of the issue and what the options are if there are any. There are several positive reasons why saving the tooth is desirable if it can be done. These include the following:

Avoids Other Teeth Moving: Whenever you have a tooth removed, it obviously leaves a gap, and the adjacent teeth have a tendency to move towards that gap. This could cause misaligned teeth which can also lead to issues with your chewing action.

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5 Health Priorities Removalists Employers Should Be Focusing On

5 Health Priorities Removalists Employers Should Be Focusing On

Under their obligations relating to the current Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation, there is no shortage of actions that employers need to take. It is therefore understandable that many businesses, including those within the removalist sector, tend to focus on the Work and the Safety elements of WHS, and not so much on the Health.

Amongst everything which an employer has to introduce, implement and in some cases purchase so that their business conforms with WHS, employers’ attention is naturally going to be more on ensuring how safe the working environment is safe for employees and clients than on the health of those same employees.

Melbourne removalists and office relocations business owner might take the view that given the nature of the work that they carry out, that safety is a priority, and it should be. Ensuring employees can work safely when carrying large and heavy items by ensuring they have the training, and are issued with the correct equipment, is exactly what a removalist business owner should be doing. However, they must not forget the ‘H’ within WHS which refers to the health of their employees.

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The Importance Of Regular Check Ups With Your Dentist

The Importance Of Regular Check Ups With Your Dentist

Whilst many people will happily and willingly make regular appointments for medical check-ups with their doctor, nutritionist, or physiotherapist, for example, when it comes to making an appointment for a check-up at their dentist, they invariably find an excuse to avoid it.

According to the Australian dental clinic Dental O So Gentle, there are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as a genuine fear of the dentist or feeling guilty that they have not been following effective dental care and know that their teeth and gums are not in the best condition. Whatever the reason, the problem with not having a regular check-up is that any issues that might have been resolved by your dentist easily and quickly, could now be far more serious.

Any fear one might have of the dentist, be it the noise of the drill, or the sensation of it as it cleans and polishes your teeth, will be of nothing to the length of time you might have to spend with your mouth open whilst you dentist tries to put right all the issues that have built up over time.

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What to Expect During Laser Eye Surgery

What to Expect During Laser Eye Surgery

When undergoing any surgical procedure, it’s only natural to want to know more about it. Laser eye surgery is no different. 

As straightforward as laser eye surgery is, the more information you have, the less stressed about the unknown you can likely be. The experts have provided information so you can learn more about what to expect from laser eye surgery.

Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

You are not expected to know what to do before surgery. Your eye surgeon will likely fill you in on how to prepare so you can be in the best position possible for a convenient and comfortable surgical experience.

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The Truth About Whether Dental Implants Are Painful

There can be few people who will boast that they have never once been fearful of going to dentists. Even if their very first memory as a child visiting the dentist was hearing their drill make that high-pitched whirring noise as they started polishing their teeth, everyone has surely taken pause for thought, and no doubt felt somewhat fearful of what was about to follow.

Sadly, for some, they carry that fear of dental treatment all the way through into adulthood, and to this day, break into a cold sweat at the very mention of a check-up at their dentist. For some, it will still be the noise of the drill, but for others it is pain which they fear most, and that applies whether it is their dentist causing that pain, or any other medical professional for that matter.

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7 Tips For Ensuring You Have A Safe And Trouble-Free Holiday In Bali

7 Tips For Ensuring You Have A Safe And Trouble-Free Holiday In Bali

Anyone who is travelling to another country for the first time will inevitably ponder whether it is a safe place to visit and also muse upon how they can ensure their trip is trouble-free. These questions are as valid for a trip to Bali as they are for any other country in the world. The simple fact is no matter what country you are travelling to there will be those who target tourists, but please bear in mind, the instances of tourists being the victim of crime are extremely rare.

As for Bali, if you read most testimonials and reviews from holidaymakers and those who visit, you will see plenty of comments about how safe they felt and how friendly and helpful the locals were, which we hope reassures you. In addition, there are several steps you can take to reduce any risks and to increase your preparedness for unfortunate eventualities.

We have listed 7 of them, but for more tips and tricks for your next trip to Bali, check out Luxury Villas Bali‘s blog!

Have Your Vaccinations Prior To Travelling: With Bali having more than its fair share of rabies and typhoid cases, you should ensure you visit you doctor for the appropriate vaccinations before travelling there. You should also check out the latest health advice for travelling to Bali and discuss this with your doctor if you have any concerns, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

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Why Some Backlinking Tactics Can Harm Your Health Facility Website’s Rankings

Why Some Backlinking Tactics Can Harm Your Health Facility Website’s Rankings

Many people regard the work of ranking websites, including those of health facilities, as a game. The objective is to outsmart Google in order to achieve better search engine rankings. SEO agency professionals at would advise you to, by all means, look upon SEO as a game, but you must play within the rules.

They say that Google is fully aware of the tactics used to cheat and falsely gain rankings. Further, Google can detect these, and as such, the websites in question soon get pushed down the rankings or, in the worst cases, removed from the search engines’ listings altogether.

One area of SEO that is especially popular with ranking cheats is backlinks. When done correctly, these can be powerful weapons in your ranking armoury, but if you try any of the underhand methods of creating a backlink profile, you are putting your entire online presence at risk.

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Can you lose weight with Apple Cider Vinegar?

Can you lose weight with Apple Cider Vinegar?

We all love the benefits apple cider vinegar (ACV) provides as a fantastic health tonic. However with loads of blogs and social media adverts about the miracle weight loss of ACV we wanted to know the facts! Is there proof that ACV can help to shift those kilos or is it too good to be true?

The most supportive research on backing the weight loss claims are studies on acetic acid which is the key component in all vinegars, not just ACV. A study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry showed that mice on a high fat diet who consumed acetic acid had 10% less body fat than the mice just on a high fat diet.

A further study from the Central Research Institute in Japan conducted a trial where 3 groups of people of similar body weights drank either an ounce of ACV, half an ounce of ACV, or given no ACV for 12 weeks. (NB 1 ounce is approx. 2 tablespoons of liquid). The 2 groups who consumed the vinegar were found to have less belly fat, lower BMI (body mass index) and body weight and lower triglycerides in comparison with the group who had no ACV.

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You Must Ensure Your Day Spa Does Not Make These Email Marketing Mistakes

You Must Ensure Your Day Spa Does Not Make These Email Marketing Mistakes

If you have been considering, or better still implementing, an online marketing campaign, it is highly likely that email marketing plays a role. If it does then digital marketing experts would caution that they see many companies make mistakes when they are email marketing, so we want to make sure you are aware of them, and thus avoid making them.

The first mistake that many businesses make with email marketing is that they think it is a green light to go ahead and simply blast sales message after sales message to their email subscribers. This is a huge error and akin to having a door-to-door salesperson knocking on your door every day asking if you want to buy their wares.

We imagine you would get fed up with that pretty quickly, and it is exactly how your email subscribers will feel if all your emails are blatant promotions. They will start resenting your emails and will either unsubscribe, or worse, they will unsubscribe after first marking your email as spam.

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5 Health And Safety Considerations For Removalists

5 Health And Safety Considerations For Removalists

Whether they are working on behalf of a family moving house, or a business moving offices, removalists businesses must ensure that the health and safety of all concerned are a priority. When we say everyone, that includes not just the removalist’s employees but their clients too, plus any other individuals who might be in the immediate vicinity, such as other family members, the client’s employees, and to some extent, the general public.

This is not a matter that should be taken lightly. Apart from the moral obligation to have a duty of care, there are also the legal requirements that relate to removalists companies that come from state and federal health and safety legislation. Failure to follow and adhere to the applicable health and safety laws can lead to severe penalties, including imprisonment for the worse cases of negligence.

To ensure none of these penalties ever become a potential reality for you and your removalists business, here are 5 actions you can take.

#1: Have A Comprehensive Health And Safety Policy

The first element of compliance is to ensure your removalists business has a complete and comprehensive health and safety policy. This should explain in detail the responsibilities that both you as an employer, and your employees as individuals have to ensure that health and safety are maintained at all times. It should include the process for alerting the business to health and safety issues, what remedies are available to solve them, and penalties for those who flout your policy.

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Frozen Dinners

Are Frozen Dinners Healthy?

When you come home from a long day, preparing a meal from scratch can be the last thing you feel like doing. You know you should be eating well, but a frozen meal that takes a few minutes in a microwave and leaves you with a full stomach can seem far more desirable.

You may feel a little guilty about choosing a microwave meal, given that we’re taught that “fresh is best,” but are they really all that bad?

What kind of microwave meal can make all the difference, as you can ffiind out below.

High Fat, High Salt

Most people think that the frozen meals you heat in the microwave are full of fat and salt. In many cases, that’s true. Manufacturers pile in the additives and seasoning to ensure their food tastes decent after being frozen then heated quickly.

It’s worth thinking about what else makes food high in fat and salt. It’s your food choices. If you purchase a microwave meal that contains fried chicken, a dessert treat, processed sauces, and dressings, you won’t class that as the definition of eating healthy. But you wouldn’t if you made that from scratch either. Frozen dinners can be healthy, but only if you choose the right ingredients.

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Drug Addiction

How to Stay on the Wagon After a Drug Addiction

A drug rehab facility is a safe and supportive environment with like-minded people and a professional support network. Once you go through the withdrawal process and come out the other side, it can feel like you’re ready to tackle the world.

However, once you’re back in that world, you often realise there are triggers everywhere. Your old friends, old haunts, and past social situations can all lure you back into a drug addiction without you even realising it. However, you put so much effort into getting clean by going to drug rehab, so it’s essential to keep going. Here are some helpful tips for how to stay on the wagon once you leave the safe surroundings of a drug rehabilitation centre.

Create a Support System

It can be tempting to join the same social circle once you leave rehab, but the temptation to have a drink or get your drug of choice can be too much to handle. Once you’re out of rehab, it’s crucial to find a new support network of sober, supportive people who will help you on your road to recovery. Your drug rehab facility can also point you in the direction of support groups to assist you along the way.

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Bad Breath

Why You Might Have Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis as your dentist may call it doesn’t have one single cause. Instead, it can be one of several things. If you’re starting to notice that your breath doesn’t have a particularly pleasant odour, then it’s time to narrow down the options and find out why. These possibilities below may be worth investigating


Think back to your diet and the foods you eat the most often. Do garlic and onion form a significant part of it? Any ingredients with strong odours will end up dancing around on your palate for some time, with mouthwash, brushing, and flossing, only masking it temporarily. You will have to wait until the food passes through your body until your bad breath stops being a problem. Alternatively, you can cut such food out of your diet.

Poor Oral Health Regime

When you go to the dentist, they know whether you have been flossing and brushing your teeth regularly. When you don’t, bacteria grows between your teeth, on your tongue, and in your gums. Food particles also stay in your mouth. This combination causes bad breath. If you’re a smoker, it’s bad for your oral health and your breath too. What’s more, bad breath can be a sign of early gum disease.

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