You can beat the gloomies by creating an outdoor space complete with lovely outdoor furniture. A table and some comfortable chairs will beckon the most reluctant person outside and encourage you to stay there for just a bit longer. If you like gardening, perhaps you could do some while you are outside and that would be one good way to get some much-needed exercise.
There are many reasons for people to suffer from depression. Sometimes there is the need for prescription medication, but not always. It is possible to beat some kinds of depression by changing your lifestyle. Spending time outside in the fresh air and sunshine can be a good antidote to some types of depression, especially SAD. But some SAD sufferers live in areas where there is no sunshine for weeks or months on end, which is why they suffer from this form of depression.
However, for people who just feel a bit gloomy or irritable, going outside for a while can be really helpful. It seems to be because of the change of pace and environment. You have more space when outside instead of being enclosed in a small space, often with many other people. Just being out in fresh air and sunshine makes you feel good. If you can participate in some kind of exercise it is even better.
Even walking around the garden can be good for feelings of mild depression or gloominess. Take a drink with you and walk around the garden to admire all your pretty plants while you sip, then sit down in your alfresco haven and enjoy the sun on your back and the breeze in your hair. Soon you’ll find that feelings of positivity have replaced the gloom and your stress levels have fallen dramatically.
Being outside in the sunshine boosts the production of serotonin in your brain. That’s a feel-good chemical that will certainly beat feelings of gloom and make you happier. There is good news for seniors here too. Studies have shown that being outside helps seniors in several ways. It can reduce pain and sleep problems, thus improving their quality of life.
So if you were wondering how to ensure you spend more time outdoors, having a special place set up where you can go, that is convenient and close by is ideal. Setting up an alfresco area in the garden with comfortable outdoor rattan or wicker furniture is the latest trend and offers plenty of fun times, a place to relax and better health for everyone in the family whether they are babies, school-age children, parents or seniors.
So don’t let the gloomies spoil your life; making that little change can make a big difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.